Thursday, July 12, 2007

"How My Day Was" by Rhoda W. (17)

I woke up very early in the morning, I took a birth, I took my breakfast brushed my teeth and went to school.


On the way, I forgot that where I had placed my tie and I went back running, got it, and went back to school.


On arriving to school I settled down and continued reading until seven when the bell was rang for assembly.


On parade time, the teacher on duty encouraged us and another teacher gave us a Bible verse which she further interpreted more. Unluckily when we got back to our classes, students in  form or grade ten did not have a teacher for two subjects (physics) we felt so bad because we were waiting for our Physics teacher, Mr. Ngunju.


After that we had a double lesson for Biology then a break for twenty minutes. We continued with the other lessons then went out for lunch for forty minutes. Those on duty cleaned the dining hall. After all the lessons were over we went for CU and CA, the Christian Union and Catholic association.


The preacher who was Mr. James Rubue give us a very strong message from the 2 Samuel Chapter five-verse ten down words. After the preacher was over the Master of Ceremony gave permission for presenting and I presented an English song which I dedicated mostly to the Form Fours to encourage and strengthen their faith.


Being in school for so long we went home at 5:00 PM and on the reach I did nothing more less than changing and going for a run to exercise my body when it was all I took my dinner and went to do other extraordinary things in the dormitory.



Blogger Rae! said...

Wow what a day.Long day at that.Glad to hear that you run.I am training to run.I can only do 1.97 miles right now.I am working up to doing 13k by October.How far do you run??

July 12, 2007 at 9:34 PM  
Blogger christine said...

Sounds like a full day. Its good that you go running!!!

July 15, 2007 at 11:22 AM  
Blogger Katie Fitch said...

Sounds like you had a busy day as usual. Sorry you didn't have your physics teacher there. Maybe if I was still in Kenya I could have filled in! Glad to hear you are still running even after the marathon is over. How did you do in the marathon? I have started training for my first marathon! I will be running it in November! Any advice? Miss you! Good luck with school.

Katie Fitch

August 1, 2007 at 6:12 AM  

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